The Ringmaster

On our way back from Quebec City, we decided to stop in St-Hyacinthe for lunch. The huge Burger King sign by Highway 20 was strangely appealing to us, and we figured since this was a road trip (well, a trip on the road), we might as well stop at the King. After all, he is the King of Burgers. Upon arrival, we were greeted by a big sign promoting the goodness of BK’s current novelty burger, The Ringmaster Whopper (along with the Angry Whopper). The Ringmaster was re-introduced with an infamous ad campaign in Canada last August – I say re-introduced because it was available last year under its previous name, the Bourbon Whopper. The Waffle had never tried this Whopper (the last BK Burger we reviewed in this corner was the BK Stuffed Steakhouse), so he was easily convinced by his wife to sample it. The Ringmaster is a…

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Giordano’s World Famous!

We had heard good things about the Chicago Architecture Foundation River Cruise aboard Chicago’s First Lady. Apparently, it is the best cruise on the Chicago river, and a must for all to experience, even if you know next to nothing about architecture. You get to hear about more than 50 buildings along the river during the 90 minutes cruise. We made our way to the river, hoping to hop on the next cruise. Alas, it was sold out – but there was room on the 2 PM cruise, meaning we had about 90 minutes to go for lunch and make it back in time. Thankfully, I had spotted something on the way. So from the river-walk, we walked south on Lower Beaubien until we hit it. Giordano’s Famous Stuffed Pizza. According to their story, Efren and Joseph Boglio were born in a small northern Italian town near Torino, where their…

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Skipping the Chili at Chili’s

We were on our way back to the Fort Lauderdale airport as our vacation was coming to an end. All week, Melissa had been talking about going to Chili’s. Why? I think she has been craving Chili’s because of all the ads she sees when I force her to watch American Football. Which, of course, I never do. Founded in Dallas in 1975, Chili’s has over 1400 locations in 32 countries around the world, most of them in the United States. There are 14 locations in Canada, all in Alberta except for 2 in Saskatchewan and 1 in Ontaro. We were driving south on the I-95 and our appetites were growing, so I started looking for a Chili’s location on the GPS. There are a lot of Chili’s in Florida, so I had no trouble picking one – we stopped in Wellington, Florida, a well-off village in Palm Beach County.…

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Pep’s Stone Crab

As we were making our way towards the John Dickinson State Park, we were keeping an eye out for a place to have dinner before getting to our vacation accomodation. The Waffle Jr. had just woken up and was, also, eager for dinner. We made an infructuous stop at Duffy’s Sports Grill on Indiantown road in Jupiter (The parking lot was full, it was Friday Night, it was a Sports grill – we though better than bringing in a starving baby). We kept going North on Highway 1, until a colourful sign attracted our attention. We were at Pep’s Island Grill in Tequesta, Florida. It being Florida, we decided that despite the cool evening, we had to have our first vacation meal outside. Pep’s has a very large deck, surrounded by palm trees and going all the way around the corner. There is also a Tiki bar at the back.…

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The Waffle’s makeover

My most assiduous readers and many casual ones as well have noticed that the Waffle has slowed down his postings in the past two months. No doubt, the arrival of the Waffle Jr. is one of the reasons why I haven’t been able to update regularly. But the main reason has been my frustration with my host, For over a month, was impossible to use. Bad gateways, 502 errors, 504 errors, 505, 506! It was frustrating at times, and I did consider moving my blog somewhere else. Once they resolved their stability and performance problems, I was ready to resume my activities. Unfortunately, their fix created more problems, which forced me to make some design changes in order to ensure a smooth migration of my older material. Hence, the Waffle Makeover, which didn’t take as much time as a Restaurant Makeover. There might some kinks left, but hopefully…

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