Super Bowl Home Party 2021

The kids were disappointed because for the first time in a long time, we had to stay home for the Super Bowl. Feeling their pain, I made a deal with them. Plan the menu. I’ll execute it.So they did their part. The menu included a cover page and three distinct sections. On the cover, you will note the team logos, the fields, complete with goalposts, and what I can only assume are characters from Among Us, one near a bench and the other dropping the ball. SUS! The ‘Appetizer’ section called for french fries, pigs in a blanket, chips and veggies with dip. Simple enough. The ‘Main Meals’ section was setting the stage for chili, chicken wings and ribs. You will note the NFL simplified logo, a red square and the Pepsi logo, with a chicken wing in the middle. For dessert, cake and ice cream and a Tom Brady-style…