An Italian lunch in St-Lambert

An Italian lunch in St-Lambert

I have been dispatched on the South Shore of Montreal to give a hand to NDP candidate Richard Marois in St-Lambert and also NDP candidate Anne Lagacé Dowson in Westmount-Ville Marie. There is nothing like fighting the Forces of Evil in a by-election. So I’m told anyway. And of course, you are then forced to eat out, or order in. At any rate, not much time (or available equipment) for cooking. Might as well make the most of it. So I forced a few key members of the campaign team to get out of the office for my first day in the area, so I could get a feel for the riding and check out the competition a little. The four of us ended up in a lovely Italian establishment in the heart of Old St-Lambert, Trattoria La Terrazza & Casa da Carlo. It was a very nice day, se…

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I Dair-y you

Restaurant Aug 10, 2008 The Waffle 3 Comments Is there anything like a nice cold treat during a hot summer day? After a long road trip back from Marmora, Melissa forced me to stop at the Dairy Queen in Carleton Place.  I hadn’t been to Dairy Queen in a few years.  It seems that as I grow older, my sweet tooth is abandonning me.  At any rate, I obliged and decided to plunge for an interesting treat if I was to indulge.  Melissa decided to go for a classic DQ Sundae. Topped with hot fudge. But I figured that The Waffle couldn’t do otherwise but order a Fudge Brownie Temptation Waffle Bowl Sundae. That’s right.  A delicious combination of vanilla soft ice cream serve nestled in a freshly baked chocolate-enrobed waffle bowl covered with brownie bits and topped with hot fudge. Well, so they say.   The vanilla soft serve is not…

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Wild about Wings

Restaurant Aug 7, 2008 The Waffle No Comments I discovered Wild Wing the weekend after The Ottawa Citizen’s Rod Eade published an article about the new Canadian specialized restaurant chain. I have got to admit that I was really really (really!) excited about this place and I simply could not wait to go. So I went. Imagine, 101 kinds of wings!!! I have got to have them all!!!! I’ll report back, but meanwhile, you can have a look at my Top 20 Wild Wing Countdown. Wild Wing claims to be the fastest growing family restaurant franchise in Ontario. It was founded in 1999 in Sunderland (although their headquarters are in Keswick) and there are 36 different locations across Ontario, with 31 more opening soon, all in Ontario. And for the small sum of $440 000, you too be a member of the Wild Wing familly and own your very own…

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The only way to enjoy some Dixie Chicks

Restaurant Aug 3, 2008 The Waffle 6 Comments After too many days of eating civilized food at the cottage, I was in dire need of something old fashioned.  I convinced my fellow cottagers to stop at the Dixie Lee in Barry’s Bay for some good old fashioned fried chicken. Boasting to have the “best chicken in town”, what else could we do in this town of 1100 souls of the Madwaska Valley?  You could support the establishment of the Janusz Żurakowski’s Museum, but that we would still leave you with an empty stomach.  So Dixie Lee it had to be.  And I didn’t have, in all fairness, much convincing to do.The first Dixie Lee opened in Belleville in 1964 and is the original of a chain now counting over 80 restaurants in Canada, the United States, Dubaï and Ukraine.  The international headquarters are now in Napanee, Ontario.  Really. The Dixie Lee in Barry’s…

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The Glen House Resort Deluxe Breakfast

The Glen House Resort is the Inn complex a bad drive away from Smuggler’s Glen’s first hole. Or, in my case, hole #3, #5, #6, #8, #11, #12, #14 and #15. It is set right on the riverfront, near Gananoque, and is offering a beautiful and peaceful setting for the guests. We stopped there before the final and decisive round, with me trailing badly in the 6th position. The deluxe breakfast consist of 6 stations: It was the perfect breakfast, hearty and filing, to set you up for a great round of golf. If you can golf, that is. Which I obviously can’t, since I ended up 7th out of 8.

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