Waffle House closing some locations

Yesterday, Waffle House started to close some locations across the U.S. as the COVID-19 pandemic spread.

The breakfast-chain is updating the count on their Facebook page using #WaffleHouseIndexRed:

On March 24th: 365 Waffle House closed, 1627 open.
On March 25th: 418 Waffle House closed, 1574 open.
On March 26th: 429 Waffle House closed, 1563 open.

From one Waffle to another, let me say that I think that is too many.

On March 15th, Waffle House said they were attempting to keep their customers safe and keep nearly 45,000 employees employed:

“We want to acknowledge the great efforts of our associates, who work hard every shift to create a safe, warm and welcoming dining experience 24 hours daily.”

“We are working hard to support them as we do our best to manage through this crisis.”

You can call your local Waffle House for a carry-out order.
Visit WaffleHouse.com for specific restaurant details.


  1. Francine Gravel

    The waffle house is My house…

  2. Philippe Leblanc

    That’s when you know it’s bad. FEMA in the US even has the Waffle House index as a reference in disaster areas. It’s always the last place to close and first to open. So if it’s closing in some areas, it is BAD! Found out about that when covering hurricanes. Very helpful.

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