Daily Deals at Wild Wing
Anyone who reads this blog semi-regularly knows I love chicken wings, and that I do enjoy the never-frozen, double-deep-fried ones served by the Wild Wing establishments. And so when Mel suggested that we go there for lunch as an enticement to go shopping at Ikea and DeBoers (the latter opening its doors for one last time), I couldn’ t say no. So we ended up at the Eagleson road location, where we sat on the patio – and were the only ones to do so, even though it was a beautiful day. It is true that, like most Wild Wing restaurants, this one is also located in a small non-descript mall with a superb view of a parking lot. Nevertheless, the sun was shining, the breeze was refreshing, and we would sit outside. The first thing I noticed: Inside the menu, which still features 101 kinds of chicken wings, was…