We are still getting screwed!!

Do you remember when I told you that we were getting screwed two years ago? How food corporations were reducing the format of their products while keeping their prices the same, basically pulling a fast one one the unaware customer, a price hike by stealth? How Nestlé’s 2 litre container of Real Dairy ice cream was now 1.89 litres?An actual price increase of 5.5%. How Miracle Whip‘s 1L format and went down to 950 ml then to 890 ml?An actual price increase of over 6%. Hellman’s soon did the same thing with their mayonnaise! How le P’tit Québec cheese brick has gone from 540 g to 500 g?An actual price increase of 7.4%. How Pringles‘ boxes of chips went down from 163 g to 140 g?An actual price increase of 14%. How Post and Kellogg shrunk their cereal boxes to 411g from the 510g format?An actual price increase of 19%.…