What Pizzaghetti was really meant to be
Food experiment, Restaurant Dec 18, 2009 The Waffle No Comments I had to work late, so dinner was also going to be late. However, the wife was hungry, and she was craving pasta. Again. “We’ve had pasta all week!!!” I reminded her gently. She would not argue against pizza, she stated. So off I went on the hunt for a pizza to satisfy her hunger, and mine. I figured I could get some pizza and maybe surprise her with a side of pasta. A pizza-ghetti, or something similar to take out. A pizza-ghetti is a combo meal, offered in a lot of family restaurants throughout Quebec, especially but not exclusively in italian-style chains such as Mikes (review), Pacini (review) or Giorgio. Also very popular in these locations is the pizza-césar Basically, a pizza-ghetti is a personal pizza, sliced in half, with a side of spaghetti, usually with a tomato-based sauce. It is…